computer-accurate Body measurements

Fit3D Body Scanning

Millions of data points, captured in seconds.

FIT3D Body Scanner

industry-leader in fitness technology

Why Should You Get a Body Scan?

Are you serious about fitness and weight loss? Our Fit3D Body Scanner captures millions of data points across your body, using them to produce an identical 3D model. This process allows us to automatically record measurements of your entire body, eliminating human error and rendering the use of clunky tape measures obsolete. You’ll be able to view personalized before and after images, as well as receive hundreds of hard-to-capture circumference measurements.

Are you investing in yourself?

In a world that constantly saps our energy and distracts us from achieving true wellness, bēon is here to help you find new meaning.

Identify problems that impact mobility

How It Works

Within about three minutes, Fit3D scanning technology can produce baseline and comparative biometric reports to let you accurately visualize body composition and track your progress toward your fitness goals. Fit3D technology combines precision data collection and body imaging to provide consistent, reliable results. Your biometric reports are stored within Fit3D's secure, cloud-based platform to allow you anytime access.

Fit3D Body Scan

The new standard in wellness

What to Expect

Scanning is a simple, painless, and quick process. We'll request that you enter the scanner wearing undergarments that fit snugly in order to allow Fit3D to render an accurate model of your body. You'll be instructed to stand on a platform that resembles a turntable. When the scan is activated, an imaging plate will be rotated 360 degrees in front of the scanner for about 30 seconds, instantaneously capturing millions of data points for processing. Fit3D uses this information to generate a 3D image of your body, along with a custom body composition report, in under five minutes.

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